Friday, February 28, 2020

Golkeri – Awesome Foursome

Jignesh Vasavada

4 (.5 for Mansi)

Life ends one Saturday evening and toils through the entire Sunday before coming to a full circle in the evening. Yes, 24 hours of love, life and relationship is a delightful Golkeri.

Now here is the fear. Good movies just don’t get the right promotions and thus there is a fear of them missing out. Golkeri producers, guys, please go all out, you have a good product. Many a movie, earlier, has messed up with poor no promotion.

What is!
Well, this is a sweet gargle-your-way-to-a guy’s-heart love story (read Gujarati re-make of the Marathi Muramba) of a boy Sahil (Malhar) & girl Harshita (Mansi) which begins with a Break off (not Up) and traverses through Divorce (there is a difference here) and then ending with a Patch up (yeah the same thing).

Yeah yeah, once you settle into the movie you know how it is going to end, but the beauty of the story is in the way it folds, unfolds, re-folds and finally packs up. Honestly, I was waiting to see the climax hoping it would be a taxi-wala-taking-police-wala-helping-aircraft-stopping or simply running with the train ending. But the climax is truly a nice anti-climax.

Here Sahil and Harshita are aided by Sahil’s affable parents played by Sachin Khedekar and Vandana Pathak. The story, screenplay is a delightful journey of values, love, upbringing, generations and the bond called love. Good Movie.

All that is Wow
All four lead actors, simply rock.
Mansi Parekh, take a bow. What a performance. Brilliant portrayal of a stand-up comic going off and on, all the while alternating between being a girl-friend, would-be bahu and a girl. She really connects and takes the movie to an altogether new level.
Vandana Pathak, a veteran, who just keeps getting better and better. She is literally the life of the movie.
Malhar Thakar, yes, not the star Malhar, but the actor Malhar who has been emerging with movies, breaking his stereotype since Sharto Laagu excels in a great portrayal of a scared genius in love. His classical punchy style lends the much needed humour and life to the narrative. He infuses the pace and helps keep the interest alive.
Sachin Khedekar (also acted in the Marathi original), in a brilliant light portrayal of a loving, understanding and evolving father steals hearts. He too binds the narrative and is crucial in some situations where the story needs the push.
DoP, Vikas Joshi paired with the Art Director keeps the film clean and fresh. Despite very limited location you are captivated by the way the scenes have been captured.
Dialogues, by Viral Shah also add the delta in the movie’s Gujaratikaran. Most, other language re-makes miss the mark in this department. Viral has kept it real and Gujarati.

All that is Saav
Background Music alternated between being jarring, loud and sometimes forced. This department could have done with mellowing down.
The Story, while was a huge challenge, could have done with a bit of trimming and appeared to slow the pace at times.
Some scenes really looked like they were an after-thought and the green screen was visible.
Low focus on marketing would really cause a scare for an otherwise good product.

Do not miss moments
Read this more than once. Manan, aapno comedy factory waalo, hosts daaru parties where girls come home late night, drunk. Why didn’t I know of this earlier? Why did I have to learn this from a movie?
The four-seater-scooter is a nice side kick which has a maruti car’s key-chain!!
So, our hero kick-starts his bike with a slight stubble, travels few kms the stubble grows thick and then becomes light again at the end of the journey.
Looks like there is a lot of money in the spectacle shop, simply going by their bungalow.
Jenga, the game, mends relationships, yes, it is true.
Giving out Golkeri bottles, what a great PR victory!
Blatant favoritism by the producer ensures that his wife is always wearing a helmet and the hero is not :))
The Verdict
Oh, please go and watch it with your entire family. It is a nice delightful fun foursome ride of relationship and love. You might even end up thanking god for not making you a gold-medalist or a ranker.

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