Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What the Bhakt!! I Am

भक्त {bhakt} = DEVOTEE(Noun)
Usage:Mira Bai was a devotee of Lord Krishna.
भक्त {bhakt} = ADMIRER(Noun)
Usage:she had many admirers
भक्त {bhakt} = AFICIONADO(Noun)
उदाहरण:गांधीजी सच्चाई के भक्त थे |
Usage:Mahatma gandhi was aficionado of truth

And then there is Bhakt Prahalad (better name for Blue Prints in days when they were not so easily available).

Wonder what kind of A Bhakti am I demonstrating when I speak good and positive about the Country and its leadership?

But off late this word has come to haunt anyone who speaks in favour of the Government (read as Modi). Not to mention, anyone who speaks against is called sickular.

I have a pro-Congress ex-boss who revels in calling me a Bhakt (a Modi Bhakt). I have no issues whatsoever being referred to it, but what hurts is that this polarization is making people miss the moot point that people cannot be branded with the same colour for the stance they take. As, both stance and life are dynamically related to experiences and circumstances.

There was a time when most of Modi lovers had developed a soft corner for Arvind Kejriwal and would have surely voted had it not been for 49 days debacle (I for one would sure have), then why am I still a Modi Bhakt?

Why am I not a Bhakt for Society? Why am I not a Bhakt for India? Why am I not a Progress and Development Bhakt? Why am I not a proud Desh Bhakt?

At the core of the issue are two facts,

Others cannot tolerate change.
Others are still caste ruled.

Others believe Congress is meant to rule and hence deserves to rule no matter what.
Bhakts believe Modi should be given a fair and positive chance, change is way of life.

Others feel India second rulers first.
Bhakts feel India First and Modi second.

Others believe Rahul will rise and rule the world.
Bhakts believe, that too may happen, till then let the next best man run the country.

Others believe, Modi is always wrong and can do no right.
Bhakts believe he can be right and can be wrong too. But you cannot see him in a single lens.

Others cling on to the past and refuse to allow the future.
Bhakts learns from it and attempts to better the future.

To Others, people cannot change, cannot make mistakes, cannot go wrong.
Bhakts believe everyone is human and can and should get a second chance (let Rahul return)  
Others will dig, compare and bring out statements from the past and compare them.
Bhakts will move on and look forward.

But, if this is not affecting me, why am I even writing a blog on the same. Guess, I am right. I should stop it right away and focus on living a life, rather than be bothered.

Yes, if it pleases you, I am a Bhakt. Any Bhakt you may want me to be maxkyahoga Others 
will be happy bus.  

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