Saturday, March 21, 2015

Oh Come On, Let them Cheat!

It was Gujarat, 2001, two weeks from my marriage. I was working with Indian Express and courtesy few senior journalists, we decided to join the Examination Squad and raid schools.

So, off we went to more than 12 schools boldly walking from one class to the other and simply requesting to the stunned pupils to declare any material they had. We collected more than 30 dustbins of material with which we made a campfire.

One school stunned us. As soon as the Board paper was out, one guy furiously started solving it. The paper was rushed to the nearest Photocopying shop and multiple copies made and passed on to the students.

Earlier, in 1992, I had posed as Raju Dholakia and cleared the 12th English Exam (which he was failing for two years) with 68%.

In 1991, Chennai, our Chemistry paper was fairly tough, so our invigilator simply said, "Guys relax, just solve the paper together, only don't make noise".

I could go on and on and I am sure everyone will relate to this and add numerous stories here.

So, how are we different from the parents and students of Bihar? Why are we stunned? Is copying a latest craze or its just that finally the journalists are searching for stories at the right places (besides Prince and others)

I feel it is the education system based on marks and one solitary examination to be blamed.

Here is Why.

Xth and XII are God
So, if I fail my 10th or 12th or score low, what kind of future can I expect? Of course, these two years are a family mourning years. No one does anything important. Of course these are followed by more entrance exams and more number crunching. You may be an intelligent all thru your life but 10 and 12th finals you score less you are stamped (it was opposite in my case).

Where are the Teachers
Have these sucking journalists done a series on where are the teachers in village and town schools? Or even for that matter the city schools? So, the parents cannot teach, the teachers won't teach and yet the student will have to be intelligent to crack the Board exams. Grow up.

Teaching Profession Sucks
We hand the reigns of our child's future to the teachers who are poorly paid, non-committed, ill educated, tuition hungry and then expect them to prepare our kids for Boards (I am not saying Life, yet). So, you dont pay teachers, who do not turn up and then parents can't even teach so, what happens?

Schools are Inadequate
Where are the classrooms, where is the infrastructure? Where would the students study? Show me the space? So, there is no reason and location for the kids to go to study and then, post that the students still dream of a future and the road to the future runs through the Board Exams.

Mugging, TextBook Flaws and more...
The format is wrong. The process of education is flawed. Cramming is encouraged, madness is allowed. Out dated syllabus rules and then you expect the kids and parents to hit the Board with flying colours? Come on, please have a heart.

We are privileged to afford tuitions, send kids to expensive schools and much more. Is the same applicable to 90% of the other India? Yet, we will bring them on the same platform as us and ask them to compete on marks.

Cut the Crap, let everyone copy maxkyahoga at least the neglected India has the chance to catch up with the privileged India and fight a fair war from there.

Let the best Copying process win.

BTW, I made a career out of Copy writing. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Krish Shall Not Rape

Krish was always cuter than me

So, Nirbhaya II has happened in Gujarat. Guess as a country, we are good at keeping scores.

But what changed post Nirbhaya I?

The only un-asked Indian questions are,

How far are we away from Nirbhaya III (I have bought candles at an wholesale rate, need to begin using them).

When is the next time I can get my mug shot in a newspaper expressing my concern for the girl child and how helpless is the government and our society (my new hairstyle will last only 15 days).

Fast, I need an Update for my rapidly increasing Social Media Base, my concern for the women will get me great likes and even shares. I can click a candle selfie.

I am angry (at something, I don't know), need an issue soon.

And so much more glib talk.

Why is no one really concerned about attempting a different strategy to counter the same problem.

After all, didn't Jobs (yeah yeah woh Apple 4 guy...) say, If you do the same thing the same way you get the same results?

So, here is straight coming to the point.

Why don't we start from home. Why not commit to get our son/s to be better human beings before we start commenting and pointing fingers. Our attempt.

Here are our 10 Commandments for Krish our son to help see better perspective.

1. Krish Shall not Rape
Can you promise that?
Shreelinee, Krish and Self
We (Shreelinee and Me) can and We will. The way we bring him up will ensure that he values this thought.

2. Krish shall be sensitive to Women's needs 
We will ensure that he understands that there are certain boundaries that he cannot cross. There is a certain amount of sensitivity he needs to show towards women.

3. Krish shall respect women
Women are not objects. Women are the reason he is here. Women do not have to be looked down upon, but at an equal level. Women are and can be better than men in most cases and Krish will know it is alright to let it be that way.

4. Krish will be in control
Yes, he would grow up, his hormones too shall rage, he too would have bodily needs, so does everyone else. We will connect with him early in life and ensure he understands how to differentiate the same and manage it. We will teach him to identify when the girl is saying No and when he has to learn to withdraw.

Krish Loves Posing
5. Krish will know Flirt vs Lewd
The world flirts. Both sexes flirt. But there is a thin line before it turns Lewd. When the right time comes, We will be alert and help him understand what is Flirt and what is being Lewd.

6. Krish would know Sexual Harassment
This is not only for his own knowledge, but to help prevent the same happening in his environment. He will mature to be a responsible male.

7.  Krish, Bollywood can be ignored
Sheela may be jawan, Munni may be badnaam but Krish will know what to follow. Item numbers do not glorify women. They only make them sexual objects. The song may be catchy, but the lyrics are best ignored. Dance and forget.

8. Krish will fear punishment
Krish will know every wrong act will be punished and those against women, severely. If everything fails, his fear will be permanent, we will ensure that.

9. I will be Krish's Role Model
Krish in his school uniform
Just the way my father has been mine, so will be me. I respect women, do not objectify them and live healthily, he too will follow my footsteps. Chastity (virtuous or pure from unlawful sexual intercourse) begins at home.

10. Krish will pay it Forward
He will pass it forward to his next generation. He will ensure that our values live beyond us, just the way I am doing that of my virtuous Gandhian Grandfather via my father.

All, I can say is, in a country of 1.2 billion it is impossible to curb or prevent rape. But can we begin with our homes and surroundings?

Can we begin with the males of our families. Maxkyahoga next generation Society will surely benefit, child by child, adult by adult.

I have. Hope you too.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What the Bhakt!! I Am

भक्त {bhakt} = DEVOTEE(Noun)
Usage:Mira Bai was a devotee of Lord Krishna.
भक्त {bhakt} = ADMIRER(Noun)
Usage:she had many admirers
भक्त {bhakt} = AFICIONADO(Noun)
उदाहरण:गांधीजी सच्चाई के भक्त थे |
Usage:Mahatma gandhi was aficionado of truth

And then there is Bhakt Prahalad (better name for Blue Prints in days when they were not so easily available).

Wonder what kind of A Bhakti am I demonstrating when I speak good and positive about the Country and its leadership?

But off late this word has come to haunt anyone who speaks in favour of the Government (read as Modi). Not to mention, anyone who speaks against is called sickular.

I have a pro-Congress ex-boss who revels in calling me a Bhakt (a Modi Bhakt). I have no issues whatsoever being referred to it, but what hurts is that this polarization is making people miss the moot point that people cannot be branded with the same colour for the stance they take. As, both stance and life are dynamically related to experiences and circumstances.

There was a time when most of Modi lovers had developed a soft corner for Arvind Kejriwal and would have surely voted had it not been for 49 days debacle (I for one would sure have), then why am I still a Modi Bhakt?

Why am I not a Bhakt for Society? Why am I not a Bhakt for India? Why am I not a Progress and Development Bhakt? Why am I not a proud Desh Bhakt?

At the core of the issue are two facts,

Others cannot tolerate change.
Others are still caste ruled.

Others believe Congress is meant to rule and hence deserves to rule no matter what.
Bhakts believe Modi should be given a fair and positive chance, change is way of life.

Others feel India second rulers first.
Bhakts feel India First and Modi second.

Others believe Rahul will rise and rule the world.
Bhakts believe, that too may happen, till then let the next best man run the country.

Others believe, Modi is always wrong and can do no right.
Bhakts believe he can be right and can be wrong too. But you cannot see him in a single lens.

Others cling on to the past and refuse to allow the future.
Bhakts learns from it and attempts to better the future.

To Others, people cannot change, cannot make mistakes, cannot go wrong.
Bhakts believe everyone is human and can and should get a second chance (let Rahul return)  
Others will dig, compare and bring out statements from the past and compare them.
Bhakts will move on and look forward.

But, if this is not affecting me, why am I even writing a blog on the same. Guess, I am right. I should stop it right away and focus on living a life, rather than be bothered.

Yes, if it pleases you, I am a Bhakt. Any Bhakt you may want me to be maxkyahoga Others 
will be happy bus.