Saturday, February 28, 2015

Only Thankless Farmers Commit Suicide

Krish, my son, is gung ho about being a farmer. All his class mates and most of the kids his age are.

He keeps fantasizing about the smell of the soil, the toil, the bullocks, the tractor, the sowing, the scarecrow, the seeds, the natural pesticides, the organic fertilizers the green fields, the bumper crop, negotiating great prices, basically providing Indians with good healthy food and living a lovely down to earth life. Yes, he is also connected with life which includes aspiring for the latest gadgets, branded clothes, fast cars, world tours and much more. Every Farmer is rich.

Like many generations for 60 plus years of independence, Krish too has been living and dreaming the farm dream.  Of course, like all the governments for the past six decades he is confident they will continue helping Agriculture grow each year at 3.5%.

India was always an Agrarian society pre and post independence. Various governments always understood this and hence have done so much to boost Agriculture.

Today, a full 15% of India is into agriculture.  And mind you, every politician is concerned about them, pre and post elections. Haven’t you noticed the infrastructure that farmers have in each state? It is only stupid to find out that this is a great drop from 42% at time of independence.

A lot has been done for the farmers. No more dependency on rains. Great quality of seeds, fertilizer, technology, road connectivity, Drought Free, Agri markets for fair and equitable pricing, no exploitation from middle men. Did I forget to mention, soft loans free of money-lenders, free electricity, great educational research, foreign know-how and more crop yielding opportunities. Farmers in India have it all.

They are exploitation free.

Arrey, even the urban kids idolize the food provider and play games on their ipads growing vegetation and trading. Ode to the Indian farmer from their rich urban brethren is Farmvile (so many freaking requests)

So, why do such large number of farmers commit suicide? Losers. Thankless sickos. Look at Sharad Pawar, Amitabh Bachchan and the host of other farmers, how come the system works for them and not for others.

We have to keep doing the same thing over and over again till we reach single figures and then maybe say sorry. Yeah yeah, a farmer’s son does not want to be a farmer and wants jobs (idiot). 

Average farmer would quit the profession as soon as an alternative is provided (another idiot).

There is 60% youth in India, a majority skill less, job less and going by the opposition parties, worthless (idiots all).

So, when a Land Ordinance prepared by the UPA amended by the NDA is presented why do the freaking farmers agitate (I hope they have)? They are on a token cycle strike of one single crop waiver. They have taken to the streets naa.

The government, like always, is their enemy.

Of course, this land ordinance will ensure that all industrialists will line up and build big industries over farms. Rest of the Indians will be just mute dhakkans silently allowing them to do that. Mind you, these industries would be only chocolate and chips factories which will benefit only urban Indians. Naaa naa what Power plants, what nuclear energy (are there even industries which are benefitting the masses?).

Arrey shut up, hospitals and schools are not a priority for the rural folks. They are a healthy lot, besides there is no education required for farmers baba. Land (arid, desert, non-agri, reclaimable) should only be for agriculture, so what if no crops grow there.

Yeah yeah, this land ordinance will empower the government to pick up prime agricultural land and when the 20% land is bought back it will never have any value, this can never happen (arrey Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority’s model adopted by the country and awarded internationally is a major Modi Scam baba).

We have to strongly oppose the 5-10 yr deadline without understanding (Indians are SLOW, they cannot build a nuclear reactor in 5 years, losers)

Opposition has to cry farmer farmer and magic happens (Krish is on cloud nine when farmers are referred).

So, the farmer is and always would be successive governments’ top priority (in today’s case only the opposition’s).

I think the Opposition is right, the bill should not be passed. The farmers should remain farmers, and be the fodder for politicians wanting to get elected again, over and over again.

We should only oppose any form of development model because it comes from Modi maxkyahoga only the youth and a chunk of India will suffer naa, but our point of opposing a 2002, Business Friendly Hindu captain of India is fullfilled naa. 
Did one more thankless loser commit suicide? Chalo Party!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Yes! Mother Teresa Served to Convert

"I have no Faith. Repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal … What do I labor for? If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, you also are not true".
(Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. New York: Doubleday)

There lived Shreehari (no second name), abandoned, begging, starving, maggot ridden, gasping to breathe, decaying and barely alive. Mother Teresa comes, caresses him with her bare hands picks up his frail structure, takes him to hospital bathes him, treats him, feeds  him and in midst of this, murmurs few good words from the only spiritual book she knows (Bible).

Shreehari survives for six most glorious and respectable days, as his soul abandons the Wretched Body. But here lies the problem, Hey Ram, Shreehari must have died a Christian!!. He must have been converted to Sam Gonzalves or Sam D Costa or the likes. 

Shiva, how cruel. 'Sewa cannot be with a motive'. The only motive should have been to serve, so what if we didn't do it, you cannot.
BTW, did Sam/Shree die happy? Did we lose a Hindu to the Christian conversion brigade.

Damn well, we did. 

How dare this old lady give respect to a Hindu who was condemned by his Karma to die a maggot ridden, painfully slow death. Now, that he, like thousands of other such poor souls, had been willfully deprived of a Hindu death into a more peaceful, respectable Christian death, we should be furious. 

We need to question their financial dealings or blame their poor maintenance of financial records (Oh ignore our poor management to the build up of Swiss Black Money). 

We should doubt their sincerity, their honesty and more importantly, their love (only love is the love of Ram for Sita and likewise). 

We need to be worried that someone is taking care of Hindu destitutes while we are busy praying and offering tonnes of milk to Ganesha. 

So, by questioning Mother Teresa what do you achieve? 

More Ghar Wapsi maybe?
Stopping and Intimidating Christians (they seem to have got a PM shot in the arm)
Prime time TV Space (back to back debates).
Relevance to rallies and Speeches (when was the last good thing you remember from Bhagwat)
Ego Boost to the Speaker. (I am Bhagwat, I am Relevant, Important) 
Fruitless Social Media Trends. (Times Now is the Global Twitter partner)
Surrogate Hindu Funding. (Ghar Wapsi Projects)
Mind off important topics like "Where is Rahul Gandhi" (Brainstorming in Bangkok!!)
Or Simply sidelining Anna and his agitation. (Oh, he might be right)

Maybe some more notoriety? 

Why is the Government defending such demented souls?

Why not take a stance and win over humanity? Hindus are humans too (we hope).

I am a Hindu, I deplore these words and thoughts. I would rather be a Christian if the religion gives me 10% of the strength to do what Mother Teresa did. 

Go Mother Teresa, you may have made mistakes or actually have been a full Conversion Agent, 

All I know is there is no soul who can replicate your nobility.

Mr Reformist PM, come out, assure and assuage fears that our icons won't be faulted simply, silent them, maxkyahoga your respect will be quadrupled and it could be a good head start going into Bengal Elections.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Good BJP Lost

So, 67-3 is a great score for AAP. 
We all knew that BJP did not have the ammunition within Delhi and had to import Kiran Bedi. 

We were well aware that Kejriwal had been given enough time to re-group and apologise for his 49 day run. While we knew it was going to be a tight contest with AAP having the lead (and was Congress ever there?), we were not prepared for this drubbing. 

But is it really a drubbing? Or is it a fruitful loss before the larger battle in Bihar, Bengal & UP?

Well, here's why, 

1. Leaderless Delhi
BJP Delhi was always a divided unit with Dr Harshwardhan doing Centre Service. There was absolutely no single face or a leader. Whoever Modi/Shah would have chosen, there would have been turmoil, unrest and non-acceptance. God forbid, they would have won, it would have been even worse governing on a day to day basis. A loss here is a slap on the local unit more than the National Unit. This way, they have been shown their place and maybe they would re-commit to building what BJP never was. Maybe there would be a local unit under Nupur (she looks potential). 
Without a local leader do not enter an election. 

2.  Mythical Modi Wave 
It is good that the Modi wave has been given a rest. What was in May 2014, is not so in Feb 2015. Modi's rallies may not attract large numbers, not because he has lost the sheen, because the content is not relevant today. For a 49 day old AAP, the anger is not so much about mis-governance as much as about ditching. People may want to forgive AK for the sincerity of his apology. Its time BJP comes out of the mythical wave and understands that there is more to BJP than just Modi.
Prepare Bihar & UP with Modi in a cameo.

3. Now TV is busy
Endless TV debates will keep anchors busy. They will dissect AAP victory, follow up on its people, ministers, promises and hold AAP on a short leash. With AAP being enthusiastic to prove their mettle will do good work to ensure constant TV coverage. This will give BJP a breather to work on a good budget, good re-grouping and greater introspection.
Media may not be hungry for BJP for a long time.

4. Battleground Bihar & UP
Now is the time to focus on Bihar and UP. Delhi was small these two states will give Modi and Shah large number of Rajya Sabha seats to make some pleasant and unpleasant changes. Hopefully, they will not take it as easy as Delhi. Over-confidence would have found its place and fear and respect set in.
Gear up, a slap on face is better than a kick in the butt.

5. Respect your Opponent
LS elections actually had no opponent. Pappu and Congress had lost the plot. AK did bother them for 49 days but sadly he too fizzled out. Since then there has been no credible opponent election that BJP had faced (Maharashtra, Goa, Haryana, Jharkhand)...mostly it was decimating Congress. J&K proved difficult, but Delhi showed them what a determined opponent speaking their language can do. Bihar and UP have the formidable Yadavs and local opponents who can give them a tough fight.
BJP needs to thank AK for a minor rash.

6. Love your Voter
Impatient, aggressive, demanding and Intelligent is today's voter. Mass media has empowered them with information and opinions. This makes it difficult to run away with words. So, the same people who handed you a victory 8 months ago have you languishing today. BJP needs to keep its ear to the ground, listen to the heart and speak its actions.
If the voter failed BJP they might even fail Akhilesh, Mamta & Nitish.

So, it is now time for BJP to focus on its promises and deliver something people can talk about for quite sometime (if not the Rs 15 lakhs in the accounts).

One loss is a good wake up call. More than one and we are surely not seeing a grand celebration of Gandhiji's 150 anniv Clean India.

Koi Na BJP one Delhi lost, maxkyahoga nothing for the moment, only you will be more wiser and down to earth and hopefully, hasten your delivery and fight better (maybe even hire better speech writers).