Krish, my son, is gung ho about being a farmer. All his
class mates and most of the kids his age are.
Like many generations for 60 plus years of independence,
Krish too has been living and dreaming the farm dream. Of course, like all the governments for the
past six decades he is confident they will continue helping Agriculture grow
each year at 3.5%.
India was always an Agrarian society pre and post
independence. Various governments always understood this and hence have done so
much to boost Agriculture.
Today, a full 15% of India is into agriculture. And mind you, every politician is concerned
about them, pre and post elections. Haven’t you noticed the infrastructure that
farmers have in each state? It is only stupid to find out that this is a great
drop from 42% at time of independence.
A lot has been done for the farmers. No more dependency on
rains. Great quality of seeds, fertilizer, technology, road connectivity, Drought Free, Agri
markets for fair and equitable pricing, no exploitation from middle men. Did I
forget to mention, soft loans free of money-lenders, free electricity, great
educational research, foreign know-how and more crop yielding opportunities.
Farmers in India have it all.
They are exploitation free.
So, why do such large number of farmers commit suicide?
Losers. Thankless sickos. Look at Sharad Pawar, Amitabh Bachchan and the host
of other farmers, how come the system works for them and not for others.
We have to keep doing the same thing over and over again
till we reach single figures and then maybe say sorry. Yeah yeah, a farmer’s
son does not want to be a farmer and wants jobs (idiot).
Average farmer would
quit the profession as soon as an alternative is provided (another idiot).
There is 60% youth in India, a majority skill less, job less
and going by the opposition parties, worthless (idiots all).
So, when a Land Ordinance prepared by the UPA amended by the
NDA is presented why do the freaking farmers agitate (I hope they have)? They
are on a token cycle strike of one single crop waiver. They have taken to the
streets naa.
The government, like always, is their enemy.
Of course, this land ordinance will ensure that all
industrialists will line up and build big industries over farms. Rest of the
Indians will be just mute dhakkans silently allowing them to do that. Mind you,
these industries would be only chocolate and chips factories which will benefit
only urban Indians. Naaa naa what Power plants, what nuclear energy (are there
even industries which are benefitting the masses?).
Arrey shut up, hospitals and schools are not a priority for
the rural folks. They are a healthy lot, besides there is no education required
for farmers baba. Land (arid, desert, non-agri, reclaimable) should only be for
agriculture, so what if no crops grow there.
Yeah yeah, this land ordinance will empower the government
to pick up prime agricultural land and when the 20% land is bought back it will
never have any value, this can never happen (arrey Ahmedabad Urban Development
Authority’s model adopted by the country and awarded internationally is a major
Modi Scam baba).
We have to strongly oppose the 5-10 yr deadline without
understanding (Indians are SLOW, they cannot build a nuclear reactor in 5
years, losers)
Opposition has to cry farmer farmer and magic happens (Krish
is on cloud nine when farmers are referred).
So, the farmer is and always would be successive
governments’ top priority (in today’s case only the opposition’s).
I think the Opposition is right, the bill should not be
passed. The farmers should remain farmers, and be the fodder for politicians
wanting to get elected again, over and over again.
We should only oppose any form of development model because it comes from Modi maxkyahoga only the youth and a chunk of India will suffer naa, but our point of opposing a 2002, Business Friendly Hindu captain of India is fullfilled naa.
Did one more thankless loser commit suicide? Chalo Party!!!